Pier Franco BEATRICE
and Bernard POUDERON (eds)
EAN/ISBN : 9782701021225
Nb de pages : 350 p
Année : 2016
55.00 € |
Raniero Cantalamessa, a Franciscan Capuchin ordained priest in 1958, earned a PhD in Theology (1962) from the University of Freiburg (Switzerland), and a PhD in Classics from the Catholic University of Milan (1966). From 1970 to 1979, he held the first Chair of Early Christian Studies in Italy and was the first Director of the Department of Religious Studies of the Catholic University of Milan. His main works deal with Tertullian, Pseudo-Hippolytus, Christian apologetics, Easter and Christology in the Ancient Church. In 1979, Father Cantalamessa resigned his teaching position and, in 1980, was appointed by Pope John Paul II Preacher to the Papal Household. This volume is an homage published by friends and colleagues in Patristic studies to honour him as both a scholar and a theologian on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Contributors :
Pauline Allen, Pier Franco Beatrice, Marie-Odile Boulnois, Paul F. Bradshaw, Harald Buchinger, Frédéric Chapot, Stefan Freund, Claudio Gianotto, Rémi Gounelle, Theresia Hainthaler, Adam Kamesar, Winrich Löehr, Bronwen Neil, Bernard Pouderon, Ilaria Ramelli, Margaret Schatkin, Helmut Seng, Michael B. Simmons.
Chaque chapitre de cet ouvrage est disponible dans la collection TÀP
To the Reader
- Adam KAMESAR (Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio), Dêlôsis and Alêtheia : The Septuagint, Philo, and Some Late Rhetorical Texts
- Ilaria RAMELLI (Graduate School of Theology, SHMS, Thomas Aquinas University, Angelicum, Rome), Hebrews and Philo on Hypostasis : Intersecting Trajectories ?
- Claudio GIANOTTO (Université de Turin), L’attente deçue : quelques modèles de réaction dans les eschatologies du christianisme naissant
- Winrich LÖHR (Universität Heidelberg), Editors and Commentators : Some Observations on the Craft of Second Century Theologians
- Bernard POUDERON (Université de Tours; IUF honoraire), Quelques pistes nouvelles pour la compréhension de la construction de l’Apologie de Justin
- Frédéric CHAPOT (Centre d’analyse des rhétoriques religieuses de l’Antiquité; Université de Strasbourg), Note sur l’emploi de “secundus” chez Tertullien
- Stefan FREUND (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Der Psalmus responsorius – missing link in der Entwicklung der christlichen lateinischen Dichtung?
- Michael B. SIMMONS (Auburn University, Montgomery, Alabama ; Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Americas), Time, History, and Eternity in the ‘Theophany’ of Eusebius of Caesarea
- Helmut SENG (Universität Frankfurt/Main), Pseudo-Didymos und die Chaldaeischen Orakel
- Pier Franco BEATRICE (Université de Padoue), Martyrem vivum. Une lecture des épîtres 18 et 37 de Paulin de Nole à Victrice de Rouen
- Margaret A. SCHATKIN (Boston College), New Perspectives on the Christology of St. John Chrysostom
- Marie-Odile BOULNOIS, ‘Ne me touche pas’ (Jn 20, 17). Une lecture originale de la rencontre du Christ et de Marie-Madeleine chez Cyrille d’Alexandrie au miroir des Pères de l’Église
- Theresia HAINTHALER, Faustus, abbot of Lérins and bishop of Riez, and his Christology
- Bronwen NEIL, Leo the Great’s Paschal Homilies : A Brief History of Salvation
- Harald BUCHINGER, Basilius von Seleukia als Zeuge für die Entfaltung des Osterfestkreises
- Rémi GOUNELLE, Le sermon Sur la passion du Seigneur d’Eusèbe dit d’Alexandrie
- Pauline ALLEN, Pascha in the homilies of Severus of Antioch (512-518) : preparation and celebration
- Paul F. BRADSHAW, The Roots of the Paschal Vigil Readings